Another month has passed and again several releases have piqued my interest.
Goodman Games
- GMG5065 - DCC66 The Vampire’s Vengeance is a story in four parts as a simple treasure-hunt uncovers evidence of Elziba Caulwik's scheme. Before the heroes can mete out justice to the crone of Tanglethorn Manor, they'll have to rescue their kin from a burning guard tower, assault a stronghold of marsh-bound freaks, and navigate the sewers of their dying city. Heroes should be warned: old Elziba is not the mere crazed botanist she once was. Her pawns are many, her fangs are sharp, and her thirst for vengeance is not easily thwarted!
Paizo Publishing
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 3 is the third indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 includes: More than 300 different monsters, hordes of new creatures you can construct, grow, or summon to aid your party in its adventures, new player-friendly races to let you adventure as canny ratfolk, genie-blooded sulis, and more, new familiars, animal companions, and other allies, and much more...

- Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dragon Empires Gazetteer which covers the continent of Tian Xia stretches from the polar ice in the north to well south of the equator—a realm where honorable samurai, devious ninja, martial artistry, strange spirits, and imperial dragons rule. This broad overview of Tian Xia presents details on more than two dozen regions inspired by the mythology of Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, and other Asian touchstones, as well as brand new realms like Wanshou (a swamp nation of slaves ruled by a kraken), the hobgoblin nation of Kaoling, the tengu homeland of Kwanlai, the monster-infested Valashmai Jungle, and the underwater locathah enclave of Xidao. The 64-page Dragon Empires Gazetteer also presents five new player character races—the birdlike tengus, reptilian nagaji, shapechanging foxlike kitsune, reincarnated spiritualists known as samsarans, and the shadowy masters of trickery called the wayang. An overview of life in the Dragon Empires offers a look at a new core pantheon (including more than a dozen brand-new deities), several new factions, and the challenges faced by a land recovering from the recent fall of a continental empire. Grab your katana, ready your best kung fu, and prepare to discover a whole new world of exciting adventure!

- Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Mythical Monsters Revisited is a 64-page book which takes a detailed look at ten of the most well-known and well-feared monsters from mythology. Within these pages you'll find entries on creatures from the old world to the new, including the chimera, couatl, griffon, harpy, hydra, kraken, medusa, phoenix, sphinx, and wendigo. With each monster getting a chapter of their own, details about history, ecology, lairs, variants, and even their real-world roots provide all the information you'll need to bolster these classic monsters in your game.
Wizards of the Coast
- 34416000 - Book of Vile Darkness features a detailed look at the nature of evil and the complex challenge of confronting the many dilemmas found within the deepest shadows. The book includes a 32-page facsimile of the Book of Vile Darkness, filled with malignant secrets and musings that can inspire adventures or entire campaigns, a 96-page game supplement that provides Dungeon Masters with sample roleplaying encounters, adventure hooks, skill challenges, rituals, and lore for some of the most despicable creatures to infest any campaign world, new character options for players who like to flirt with evil, and a full-color, double-sided poster map presenting iconic evil sites for heroes to explore.
- CHA23112 - H.P. Lovecraft's DREAMLANDS provides everything needed for Call of Cthulhu investigators to travel down the seven hundred steps, through the Gate of Deeper Slumber, and into the land of dreams. It includes a travelogue of the Dreamlands, a huge gazetteer, statistics for over thirty prominent non-player characters, a bestiary of over sixty creatures, information on the gods of the Dreamlands and their cults, a colorful fold-out map, and more. Also present are six adventures to help get keepers started adventuring in the land of Dream.
H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
- The Whisperer in Darkness DVD expands on Lovecraft's original tale while still bringing you unparalleled authenticity. Horror and science fiction collide in the adventure of Albert Wilmarth, a folklore professor at Miskatonic University, as he investigates legends of strange creatures rumored to dwell in the most remote mountains of Vermont. Wilmarth’s investigation leads him to a discovery of horrors quite beyond anything he ever imagined, and ends in a desperate attempt to escape the remote New England hills with his life and sanity intact.
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